6 Easy Steps to Rank on Google First Page

The top-ranking of websites is the highest point of any online success for a business. SEO on the web is one of the most efficient ways to boost your website’s rank. In this article, we’ll walk you through six easy steps to boost the ranking of your site (SEO) and make it more visible on Google.

How to improve your site’s Position (SEO) Six Simple Steps to Improve Your Ranking on Google

It can be exhausting to not see your site in the first few Google pages, despite all your efforts to get it higher. Achieving high rankings on Google search results is among the most effective ways to advertise your company online. It allows you to bring more people to your site.

In general, around 31.7 percent of clickings that occur on Google search pages are connected with the main page Google. Just 0.78 percent of clicks go to that second search page on Google. You now know the reason why it is crucial to be ranked higher on Google pages for search results. It is essential to rank your website to the highest position possible.

Making your website be more prominent on Google can take some time. Growth is slow and there’s no magic to it. It requires hard work, dedication persistence, commitment, and a lot of resourcefulness. You must keep an eye on the ball since the Google algorithm changes daily. It is not a matter of slacking in this industry.

However, you have to do a lot of effort; however, there is an option that will aid you in scaling up Google page results.

6 Easy Steps to Rank on Google First Page
6 Easy Steps to Rank on Google First Page

How Can Your Website Perform higher on Google?

It is possible to follow a few easy ways to get your site higher on Google pages for search engines. Let’s look at a few below.

Step 1: Assess your keywords’ positions.

The first step to improve your ranking is to look up your website for the keywords you’re currently getting results for. Check for underperforming keywords. Websites are not ranked high in the sense that they aren’t performing as they should.

The focus should be on those keywords that are listed on the first page of Google however they are not ranked as the top or second. It’s not enough to concentrate on keywords that land your website in the 3rd position of Google. Going from the 3rd place to the first one may not improve your traffic in the same way as moving up from the 5th position to the second on the first page.

Utilize Google Search Console to analyze your current keywords. You’ll be able to find the ones poorly performing, so you can make improvements. If your keywords are appearing on one of Google search results, you should concentrate on getting them higher.

It is also possible to combine Google Analytics with Google Search Console to obtain more precise results.

Step 2: Concentrate on the Keywords that are relevant to your needs.

One strategy you can implement to increase your visibility on search engines and get higher rankings on search engine results is to choose the appropriate keywords that you’ll use on your site. Knowing the searcher’s purpose is essential before choosing the appropriate keywords for your site. It provides a clear picture of what your visitors might be looking for on the internet.

Review the page of search results by using one of the following methods to gain suggestions for keywords:

  • Search for “related searches.’
  • Look for the phrase ‘people also ask.’
  • Check for Google suggestions.
  • Make use of Google Keyword Planner

Tools such as Google Keyword Planner help you to create new keywords similar to the other tools. But, it goes a step further by providing insights into how keywords perform. The concept is to concentrate on keywords that have relatively low competition but significant search volume. A majority of the time, keywords that have low competition tend to be lengthy-tail keywords. It is beneficial to utilize them since prospective buyers who are eager to purchase will always utilize these keywords.

Third Step: Enhance On-Site SEO

Concentrate on SEO on-page If you are looking to swiftly increase your ranking on Google because it delivers immediate results.

One-page SEO is essentially focused on optimizing your website for the keywords you want to rank for. It is important to ensure that you have the following:

  1. Put your keyword of choice near the beginning in your tag title. This process is known as frontloading. This is done since Google tends to focus more on the terms that appear in the title tag’s beginning. The other terms are not pertinent to Google.
  2. Your content must be at least 1800 words. Content that is longer usually ranks higher or more highly in search engines. Make sure you cover everything people would like to know about a subject in your information. The only exception to this is an eCommerce site which doesn’t require a lot of content.
  3. Incorporate your keyword target anywhere between 2 and 3 times to your webpage. Google will recognize the keyword as the query.

Step 4: Pay attention to the technical aspects of SEO

Check that your website is mobile-friendly. In 2021, and most users utilize their smartphones to browse the web.

It may be difficult to rank well on search engines If your website isn’t designed for use on mobile phones. Visit “search.domain.com/test/mobile-friendly” to check if your website is mobile-friendly.

Also, be sure to check how fast the website loads. Poorly-performing websites won’t appear high on Google. This is among the factors Google utilizes. Check out “webpagetest.org” to find out how quickly your website loads.

Another important technical aspect to be aware of is whether Google has indexed your site. Utilize Google’s Search Console in order to discover.

Additionally, if your site is built on WordPress make use of social plug-ins.

Step 5 to reduce bounce rate

Utilize the appropriate keywords from your newly created keyword list to create better content. Better content will allow you to get higher rankings on Google.

There is a standard template for creating captivating content. It’s not only about writing. It’s about creating content that addresses the needs of your visitors. It is important to keep your visitors engaged on your site for a long period of time. Be aware of the following;

  • Make sure your content is optimized for informational keywords. Write informative and detailed material, and then supplement it with a clearly written metadata and titles tags.
  • Write data-driven articles. They will boost your traffic. Your visitors will view your content as credible which will give you a greater organic reach.
  • Utilize your storytelling talents to draw your clients’ attention, by sharing your personal experience. The stories you tell should be captivating to your readers, sparking the emotions of your readers and helping them understand that you understand what they’re looking for.
  • Utilize CTAs or call-to-actions (CTA) to guide your viewers to the solutions they need.

Step 6: Keep track of your Results and Track your Progression

You’ll definitely see positive results after you’ve completed the initial five steps. After that, you’ll need to monitor your progress. Monitoring your performance will be the best way to be sure you’re getting results.

You must understand that it’s not all about ranking highly on search engines’ pages. The most important factor is to get organic traffic.

Being the first page to rank at the top of the page doesn’t necessarily mean more traffic. This is due to organic CTR. It is also possible that the same page has more than one keyword. If a page is ranked in second place in the search results, it may generate more traffic than the previous position, if there are more keywords being ranked for the page.


Being ranked higher on Google isn’t a one-day step. It requires patience and effort. But, you can accomplish it in a short time when you follow the proper steps. The primary thing you must do to get higher rankings on Google pages for search engines is to use a keyword. If you can get the right keywords you’ve resolved half of your problems.

It’s essential to assess your current website, examine the keywords that are not performing and then make an appropriate modification. Also, be attentive to the content you have. You must ensure that your content is useful and attractive to the eyes of people who are reading it. Reducing bounce rates is one of the factors that determine your ranking on Google.

6 Easy Steps to Rank on Google First Page

How to Rank Higher on Google: These 6 easy steps can help you improve your website’s rankings (SEO) and rank your site higher on Google search engine

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