Uk London


UK London capital of United Kingdom which is famous for many reason we can talk about some important reason for famous thing over importance of UK London in the world so without wasting our time let start talking about UK London what is UK London or all information which we providing you are 100% accurate we calculate or collect the information from our research for you so must read all the article

then also give us feedback so start UK United Kingdom is a country in Europe continent UK United Kingdom has a very big history because of that in history the United Kingdom or UK has rule many countries like Pakistan India Sri Lanka Nepal Bangladesh and much more countries which are located in Asia like Kazakhstan Tajikistan are also included in the British Raj in 1947 after the World War II

the British lose their power in the war against the Turkey and after that they lose their control from the countries and many countries become independent like Pakistan India Nepal and Bangladesh are the example of those countries so we are talking about UK London so UK is then for netted Kingdom and it is a country then what is London the London is a capital of UK it mean London is

the capital of United Kingdom but it is not famous for that that is a capital of United Kingdom but London has its own value in the world map or in the world because of that it is global of many things like education system there are many good education system in London for you Cape because of that the top 10 universities are in located United Kingdom London the top 10 universities is in

London like the famous university is which heart like Oxford University are located in United Kingdom UK in London for Harvard University is also located in United Kingdom in land and and not only that the Oxford University and the Cambridge University are also located at the place London

Is London in England or UK?

The common question which are people thinking always that is London is England own UK or is London in England so yes London is in England people are confused because of that they know that London is located at United Kingdom as well as I also told you in above of

the article that London is the capital of UK for United Kingdom so how it can be possible that London is in England or London is located in England so the reason is that the name England is the first name of UK or United Kingdom when the the UK United Kingdom has control over many countries and they called England the past name of the United Kingdom is England that why people


also so called England so we can also called that the name of of the country e is England or United Kingdom or we can also say that the the London is located in England and we can also say that land is located in United Kingdom because of that the both name is is same and name of a one country which is United Kingdom in present days

london population

London population London is the capital of United Kingdom and half of the education in the world not only the people leave the citizen of the London United Kingdom leave their but also the four and students are also there and come to their studies and leave their death by the population of the London is increasing day by day because of that the student coming day by day from all

the world to study their that why it is increasing their by air or month by month so the total calculation of the population of the London in 2021 was 9.67 million it is the the population of a city in United Kingdom or UK which is London show the population of the London is 9.67 million people leave their in which some are phone and some are students which are also be fauna and some are the citizen of the country

london area

London area the total area which is covered by London is the the 3.5 % of the total of the country United Kingdom and the the number of the the area of London the capital of the United Kingdom or UK is not a very big but having a large population and a big number of population because of the Global education system in the world and the area of the capital of the United Kingdom London is 1572 km2 show the total area of London is 1572 kilometre square so we cannot but we are providing the accurate area of UK London the capital of the United Kingdom

capital of uk

Capital of UK so people are searching on the internet for the capital of the you came so much duper are also that they didn’t know what is is UK show the UK is a country which stand for United Kingdom and old name of the country is England and it is famous for its name because of that he rule the world by the name England and not only that he make many universities and

education system when the other country name was England people are also name as gland the country but nowadays the country name is UK United Kingdom so what is the capital of the UK or we can say that the capital of England show the capital is London yes London is a capital of United Kingdom or we can say that it is a capital of England or UK

london map

Indian map if you want to you both London map the best way and the good way of watching for getting the map of London and getting help from it you should go to the Google Earth old the Google Map are also available on the internet first of all you what to do go to your Play Store if you are Android user if you are not a Android user then go Apple store if the you are a Hawa user

then Hawai also planning to make your own map for the user of it go to your Play Store or Apple store and search Google Map you found Google Map after founding Google Map click on the installation button after few seconds installation complete when the installation complete click on the open button the open button will be a right after the installation complete click on

the button when you click on the button they will open a new window in the window new column will be appear and asks permission to the location give them permission to look at your location when you give the permission to locate your location click on Ok button when you click on the ok button then select that city which you want to explore for sample you want to explore land and however we are talking about the topic is London that why I am giving example of London so when you search

the land and in the Google Map the map of a land and will be arise you can easily go there and locate the location and explore the city not only the explore the city you can also search for the nearly Hospital petrol pump restaurants and much more easily this is a best way to enjoy or locate your explore the city London if you want to explore done manually you can also get maps from the shops

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