SEO-9 Best Chrome Extensions for SEO

9 Best Chrome Extensions for SEO


I would say that most SEOs love the extension of Google Chrome. But too much expansion does not necessarily equal high productivity. In fact, it can slow down your computer. So with so many options, the challenge is just choosing the people you really need. Well, I’ve already worked hard for you, so today, I’ll show you what you think is the best Chrome extension for your SEO needs. get in touch.


What’s happening with SEOs?


Oh yeah, with Ahmet, this SEO tool that helps you increase your traffic, research your competitors, and dominate your position. Now, the extensions I’m about to share with you are not in any particular order. And this list is by no means exhaustive. Instead, I’m going to share 1-3 extensions that are helpful in the general SEO category. And they are


  • link building,
  • keyword research,
  • on-page SEO
  • and technical SEO.

And of course, I’ll show you how they work and share a thing or two in terms of use. So let’s get started with some chrome extensions for


link building. First I use Hunter.

Hunter is an email search tool and I have found it to be the best way to find emails quickly and accurately. Just visit this page, and click on the icon in the extension bar. You will then see a list of associated names and email addresses that Hunter has found anywhere on the Web. Now, suppose you were reading about YouTubeSEO and you want to contact the author. Just click on the Hunter icon, then enter the person’s first and last name in the search box. Hunter will try to figure out the best way for this person and return the result, with or without the scraped data.


You can click this icon to save to the Hunter web app or click the email address to copy to your clipboard. The next extension in this category is


link building

  • LinkClump.

This tool lets you open, copy or bookmark multiple links at once. When using a link, the way I use it is especially when examining possibilities. So we say that you are reporting backlinks in Ahriaf’s Site Explorer and you want to visit these three pages to know that these will be good links. With the LinkClump installed, hold down the Z character and then drag your cursor over the links. Let’s go and open these pages in a new tab so it’s just a matter of your ability or disabling them from your list.

What’s more, on the off chance that you would prefer not to open them in new tabs, you can make new activities in the expansion alternatives menu. So you’ll see that I’ve set up another with the goal that when I drag my mouse over Xand duplicate the URL. So we state that we are at Google and searching for open doors for the asset page joins. What’s more, when you visit this page, you will locate that a portion of the outer assets on this page are connected. So I’ll hold X, and drag my mouse over the connections. At that point, accept it as an Ahrefs cluster examination on a gadget, glue it in there, and get SEO measurements on every one of those pages. From here, I can check the backlink profiles of these pages and check whether they have made some other connections to the assets, which I would then be able to continue to. At long last,

NoFollow expansion

we have the NoFollow expansion. This augmentation will put a container around all connections that follow the page. You can utilize it whenever you search for visitor posting openings. So simply search for a post on the site you need to expound on,


And scroll through to see if all or most of the links are Linkloaded. If they are, it probably won’t be worth writing for your blog if link building is your goal. The next extension is my absolute favorite, how it fits into the “All in One” category … P.S. I’m totally biased … this is

Aharaf’s SEO toolbar extension.

Aharaf’s SEO toolbar. Our extension allows you to view keywords, backlinks and organic traffic data within Google SERPs. Just enter your query, and under the search bar you’ll see keyword metrics like search volume, CPC, word definition score, and more. At the top of this, you’ll see an estimate of search traffic and the number of backlinks at both the page and domain level. When you click on a number, it will open a related report in the alphabet where you can continue your analysis. The toolbar also appears on any page you visit and you will also see SEO metrics there. Now, to see this figure, you’ll need a separate account. But we’ve also added some free features, such as a Broken Link Checker and a page-analysis tool, that you can use by clicking on the icons here. A free meme option for keyword inquiries would be the Surfer SEO

Keyword Surfer extension.

Keyword Surfer extension. Just enter a query in Google, and you’ll see the global search volume and country-related search volume. And they have many other great features in the sidebar, such as keyword ideas and domain levels statistics like search traffic and the number of backlinks. I’m not 100% sure how and where they get their traffic and backlinks data, but that seems a bit far-fetched to me. For example, they estimate that’s search traffic is 46.9 million and that the total “quality backlinks” is just over 700,000.


And To me, the numbers are rare because we’ve got more than 3 billion direct connections to Amazon’s domain, and their search traffic is estimated at 714 million, which is generally estimated. But I won’t confront them with that, the company focuses on on-page SEO and from what I’ve heard, they do a great job.

SEO Minion extension

Finding On-Page SEO, I’ve found a great standalone Chrome extension, SEO Minion. SEO Minion is an extension that is very good right away. Spot checks on the page. Just visit a page and click on Mexican in your extension bar. After that, you will have many options to choose from. So you can do basic analysis on the page where you’ll see the information. Such as title, description, canonical URL, and meta robots tags.


And below that, you’ll see a breakdown of all the headlines, open graphs, and Twitter tags. There are other things you can do, such as highlighting all the links on the page, checking for broken links, to see if a Hreflang tag exists. Another cool feature is that the text on the image can be written, such as “Reader”. And that means that the page you were viewing has redirected. You can then see the hoops by clicking the icon and looking down.

Page Speed

  • lighthouse extensions

The next category is Page Speed & I’ve got two extensions for you. The first is the lighthouse. Lighthouse is an open-source tool developed by Google. It aims to help your web apps improve performance, quality, and accuracy. Just visit a webpage and click on the lighthouse icon. Then click on Generate Report. It will run some tests and once loading is complete, a report will pop up showing the scores for different categories like Performance, Access, Best Practices, SEO and PWA. And below, you’ll see suggestions on what you need to do to improve your page in each category. Now, if this report sounds familiar to you, it is because they use a similar report in Page Speed   Insights. Now, if you want to see that it takes a real-time to load the page,

Page Load Time extension

there is a small extension called Page Load Time. Just visit a page, and it will show you how long it takes for the page to load in the extension bar. And if you click on the image you will see an error where that time was spent.

testing mobile-friendliness

  • Window Resizer experience

The next extension is called Window Resizer, a great tool for testing mobile-friendliness. Window Resizer lets you convert browser windows to specific resolutions in two clicks. For example, if you want to test the mobile design and experience for a page on the iPhone 6, just click on the icon in the extension bar and select iPhone 6 resolution. Want to see it on an iPad? Do just that, but this time, choose a member. These are the Chrome extensions that I use consistently in my SEO process. But I know there are a lot of other big extensions. So let me know in the comments that you think Google Chrome Extensions is a must-have for SEOs. And if you enjoyed this video, be sure to like, share and subscribe for more viable SEO and marketing lessons. I’ll see you next



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