YouTube is the second most popular search engine on earth I’m ranking for keywords on YouTube that are some of the most competitive like SEO and content marketing
hi, everyone, I am [tech to Amjad] and today I’m gonna break down how to write number one for very competitive keywords a lot now before we get started to make sure.
Step No 1:
The first thing you need to do is become an authority in a specific area, in other words, you need to be an expert you knowhow Google has to eat algorithm YouTubedoesn’t have an e algorithm but its very similar channels that are very specific vs.
talking about everything tend to do better when it comes to ranking Google wants rare authoritative channels that are really you know the key the end-all-be-all authority on that subject versus this random person why because it provides more value and that keeps people more on YouTube longer so with my channel I tend to stick with marketing SEO content marketing blog II you don’t me creating topics about my family and videos about my life or driving their car because that doesn’t really have anything to do with marketing
so whenever I try to go out of this expertise I don’t get much traction and don’t rank well even if I do all the stuff that’s right but when I focus I do really well,
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for example, my buddy DerekHalpern told me to create a video on sales because it got him a lot of paid speaking gigs when I did that even though I copied the right format I did all the right SEO stuff I didn’t do well why because I’m not known as a sales expert so no matter what you need to have one focus area for your channel I kid you, not that really helps you rank better
Step No 2:
the second tip pay attention to the feedback you’ll notice that some topics will always have a good performance on your channels and others won’t if people love certain topics then do more of them some people hate certain topics then do less them sure you can’t always keep creating the same video over and over and over again but you can do variations of it you can expand upon it like I know that you love SEO videos from me yeahsureall my videos don’t just have to be about a CEO they can be about link building they can bill a content marketing they can be about Google algorithms they could be about international expansion there’s so many areas that you can take it but really listen to your audience and sure they may not just tell you this feedback in a comment but you can also tell by the views the likes the dislikes all this will give you feedback
Step No 3
the third thing understand search to a man much like SEO having the right keywords with the right search volume gives you the best chance of success, in the long run, see today searches the second biggest traffic source to my channel accounting for twenty-five point five percent of all views to my videos you can use it Bursa just to find the right keywords under the keyword ideas report you can see tough for questionsprepositions comparisons this will give you ideas for content that you can create as well as it’ll tell you what’s being searched the last thing you want to do is create content on things that just don’t search cRIO ranked number one for something that gets no volume but who really cared cause it’s not driving any traffic
Step No 4:YouTube SEO
the next thing do your keyword research but focuses on the value of your content see when people do keyword research they’re like okay I’m going after these keywords I want to optimize my title tag might a better description say the keyword within the video because if this video is on SEO and I say it ten times in the video like SEO SEO SEO
YouTube picks that up I’m gonna rank better but what about the value of the content see youtube measures retention how long is someone watching your video and are they leaving and not only do they measure how long someone is watching your video they measure how long did your video keep someone on YouTube because after your video is over they tend to auto play other videos even if they’re not from your channel and if that user keeps sticking around and watches five six seven eight nine ten videos a lot of that credit goes to your video which will help it rank higher because that helps YouTube also generate more income so look at the quality of your videos you want to hook people on early on
you want to tell them why they just stick around you want to keep them entertained all these types of things will do well there’s this lady named sunny she has something called the hot script look it up it’ll help keep more people on your YouTube channel and if you’re just boring and talking in a monotone like this no one’s gonna stick around but when you have amazing content that people like my god this is so entertaining you have great animation good transition that’ll keep people around longer
Step No 5:YouTube SEO
the next tip pay attention to your video format see I found that certain formats of a video like how it’s structured how my story how the whole five or ten minutes is structured really helps keep people around also
subscribe to my channel and increase my rankings so here’s my formula that I use with my videos first I start with the hook this is an idea right capture the attention of my audience by telling them what the video is about why it’s important and why it matters to viewers then I tell people to subscribe and I just don’t say hey subscribe to my channel I tell them you have to click the alert notification because if they click the alert notification more people will get notified of your videos this action at the very beginning is very important it’s really helped change my channel and help things my ranking third lay my content out in step-by-step format bulleted explanations I use stats use actionable advice I explain things so anyone can understand me just
don’twant to give a lecture and be like heyI’m Neal I know everything about SEO or marketing no I want to break things down so you can implement and get results because if you do you’ll keep coming back if you do that with your audience they’ll also keep coming back and that’s I also try to keep things short sweet and easy to understand so whether you’re a newbie or your event you can get value and finally I give them some additional call to actions talking about my add agent he tell them to like the video time to share it to him to leave a comment this all helps duce my engagement which helps with my ranking now that you got your format right the
Step No 6:YouTube SEO
next tip I have for you keep an eye on what’s working within your market see your audience isn’t only watching your content or your channel there are other channels that are competing with you look at their channels see what working see which one of their videos are doing the best analyze it to copy their best concepts and strategies I’m not saying you should copy their video word-for-word I’m talking about their concepts
in strategist, if someone created a video on link building orinfographics because it does really well I can do my own take on that as well that’s another example and
Step No 7:YouTube SEO
the last tip I have for you it’s all about the first 24 hours see YouTubes SEO algorithm is the opposite of Google’s SEO algorithm see with google you rank well over time it’s along and steady race with YouTube the videos that tend to do really well in the first 24 hours tend to rank really quickly and in other words always the video and I can rank really high for a keyword within the first 24 hours of the term
I’m targeting sometimes it takes a week sometimes a few days but it doesn’treally take longer than that so the first 24 hours I push it out to all my social channels like Twitter saying go to YouTube watch this video loop email blast push notification blast through subscribers calm all these help my videos rank higher because it’s so popular the first 24 hours YouTube sees it it’s much more likely to do well in the long run now I could end it here but I have
another bonus tip for you and the reason I want to give you this bonus tip because it’s not really a tip that matters too much that you don’t already know about but it still impacts the rankings you really want to focus on your headlines Copyblogger has a headlineformulacheck it out it’ll teach you how to write headlines and to give you a quickstart
Aida 10 people will read your headlines but only two out of ten will click through and read the rest of your article or click through and watch the rest of your video that’s why headlines matter because if your headline and second owns clicking through on them I’m not gonna rank well but if you get a lot of clicks you will rank better as well so that’s it if you need help with your social media marketing or your YouTubeSEO
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